Recommended Management Resources
Management is part science, part art, and all about acting with intelligence and appropriate care, constantly being mindful of goals and the people impacted by, or impacting on, those goals.
In the digital information age, management resources are available in more shapes and styles than blue jeans, yet not everything that is printed or viewed is going to be appropriate to your setting and your needs.
Here we have gathered our essential reading and viewing for use when you have those 'keeping you up and night' issues. We have our own newsletter touching on many topical management issues, as well as recommended reading and videos that effectively impart useful and practical advice and techniques you can use immediately.
- Reading list on Management principles and practice
- Videos on Management techniques
- E-Letters from Management Transistions on key issues in Management
For a more personal perspective and tailored management development and issue management learning path, please contact us for your obligation-free introduction.